Employment Opportunities

Year-Round Employment

Assistant Director of Educational Programs

Box Office Assistant Manager

Seasonal Employment

Please check back often, as the lists below will be updated with summer job opportunities as they become available.

Instruction & Performance

This department includes artistic operations, residence life, and student services. The Artistic Operations Assistant and Artistic Liaisons coordinate guest artist services. Assistant Deans handle day-to-day student needs and activities. Student Services Coordinators run the main office and interact with all students and faculty. Additional positions include Orchestra Personnel Managers and Music Librarians.

Artistic Liaison

Artistic Operations Assistant

Assistant Dean

Assistant Librarian

Assistant Orchestra Personnel Manager

Associate Head Librarian

Orchestra Personnel Manager

Student Services Coordinator

Campus Operations

This department includes office operations, food service, concert/event parking, concessions, and campus maintenance.

Business Administrative Assistant

Concessions Manager

Concessions Staff

Food Service Staff


Office Services Associate


The Development Operations Assistant and the Special Events and Development Assistant positions help to plan, coordinate, and execute all stewardship, cultivation, and fundraising events for donors and patrons during the season. The Development Coordinator leads the annual Car Raffle, including managing logistics and overseeing and team of volunteers.

Development Operations Assistant

Special Events and Development Assistant

Marketing & Box Office

Box Office Cashiers and Supervisors handle all ticket sales and interact directly with patrons. The Marketing & Communications Coordinator runs social media accounts and works with local news organizations.

Box Office Assistant Supervisor

Box Office Cashier

Marketing & Communications Coordinator


This department is responsible for all aspects of rehearsal and concert production including orchestra stage operations, stage crew, lighting, audio/video, opera stage management, carpentry, props, costumes, hair and makeup, and house management.

Assistant Company Manager & Assistant House Manager / Production Assistant

Assistant Head Electrician

Assistant Head of Live Sound and Recording

Assistant Head of Video

Assistant Production Manager

Assistant Stage Manager for Opera

Assistant Technical Director

Carpentry Apprentice

Chamber Series Stage Manager/ Staff Stage Crew

Company Manager/ Company Scheduler

Costume Apprentice

Costume Coordinator and Shop Manager

Head Carpenter

Head Electrician

Head of Live Sound and Recording/ Audio Editor

House Manager

Lighting Apprentice

Live Audio/ Recording Apprentice

Music Supervisor

Orchestra Operations Assistant Manager

Orchestra Operations Manager

Production Assistant Apprentice

Production Stage Manager of Opera

Props Apprentice

Props Supervisor

Purchasing Agent

Scenic Apprentice

Scenic Artist

Scenic Charge

Staff Carpenter

Staff Electrician

Stage Crew Staff

Technical Director

Video Camera Operator / Swing Production Assistant

Video Director/ Head of Video

Wardrobe Supervisor

Wig & Makeup Apprentice

Wig & Makeup Shop Manager

Brevard Music Center is a summer institute and festival. Over four hundred young musicians from around the country come each summer to study and perform in over 80 concerts ranging from orchestra to opera, chamber music and pops. As a matter of policy, the Brevard Music Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information (including family medical history) in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of its faculty and staff, or the operation of any of its programs and activities.