
For many alums, a summer at Brevard can be truly life-changing. Our BMC alumni often credit their experiences at Brevard as instrumental in setting them on their career paths - whatever direction they may take.

Brevard Music Center alumni are active in all corners of the music world, from major U.S. orchestras to European opera houses to conservatories in Asia. Many other alumni have created successful, rewarding careers in a myriad of other disciplines.

If you are an alumnus (past student or faculty member), reconnect with BMC by completing the form below. Tell us your story and your news, and give us ways to contact you. In turn, we'll send you regular email news (inside-scoop info, only for alumni), and maybe even some free stuff. We may also get in touch to ask for help or advice. But we won't ask much, and we won't share your information with anyone else. We also invite you to join our Official Facebook Group to reconnect with your BMC classmates.

If you have questions or comments, please email:

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